Message of the Day | Your Skin Doesn't Define You

Helloo there

I feel like I haven't written a blog post in quite some time and I honestly missed it, but it feels good to be back! 
Today I thought I would talk about going bare faced in public and not giving a damn about what society thinks of you. I know personally I have gone through this stage in my life where I constantly felt insecure without makeup on whether that be going to the grocery store or even just taking my dog for a walk, and to be honest I find it ridiculous that I couldn't even go out in public with the fear of someone seeing me not 'put together'. I remember in my teenage years when I first started using makeup and absolutely loved creating different looks but most of all I felt confident, mind you all I wore on my face was a bit of foundation and pencil liner on the top of my eye. 
I also felt this was primarily the beginning stages to my insecurity of being bare faced in public. It took a long time for me to go out in public makeup-less and not care about what others thought of me. However, don't get me wrong I love everything to do with makeup and the fact you can express  yourself as well as enhance your features.
I also believe it's healthy for your skin and wellbeing to just have makeup less days when you're just at home or even when you have to go out in public. It's so much easier not wearing makeup in the comfort of your home obviously but it most definitely is harder not putting even the slightest bit of concealer when heading out the door. I recently concurred this fear where I go out in public without a single trace of makeup on my face and I felt completely myself but most of all confident. I would for sure not have been able to do this when I was a teen still in high school purely because I cared what others thought of me and allowed that to affect me. I always constantly tell myself that my makeup-less natural face doesn't define me as a person and the pimples or scars visible literally don't matter, they're completely natural. If there is ever a time where you encounter a person that points out your flaws that you are in fact insecure about do not let it affect you because it's something they have to deal with themselves, and also the fact they had the nerve to point it out defines them as a person and not you!
The only thing I regret is not realising this sooner and letting this consume me in my teens. All I wanted to say is rock being bare faced, take selfies without makeup and most of all don't care what others think of you I promise life is not worth stressing over pointless things.

Nrutya xx


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