Hello 2020

Hello lovelies

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years and celebrated with your family and and friends or however you wanted to!

It has actually been a while since I even acknowledged this blog and gave it the time of day.
The last year was a challenge for myself mentally and physically and I don’t know how I survived.
But, now that I look back and think about the journey I went through I am proud of myself.
It just showed me that even in the most trying of times if you surround yourself with people that support you and are willing to listen it gets better.

This has got me thinking about what I want to achieve in the next decade.
In all honesty, the year 2020 doesn’t even seem real but something that was too distant in the future.
I was expecting flying cars and our houses hovering in the sky like the Jetsons hahaha.

I think this year I would like my resolutions to be more of learning new skills and finding more hobbies.
Also, being considerate, open minded and living my best life :)

Let me know your New Years resolutions if you have any in the comments below 
I would love to know.

Lots of love


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