Meditation | Self Care

 Hi Everyone,

It’s 2023 and time to focus on some goals. Mine being more on self care and meditation!

On my down time I have been seeking ways to relax my mind particularly in the early hours of the day. My go to has been the Headspace app and the Netflix show by the same company around meditation.

This has been my saviour for majority of last and beginning of this year. I felt the weight lift of my shoulders and release a healthy amount of tears.

I see nothing wrong in expressing how you feel instead of bottling it up and allowing it to consume you.

It makes a difference taking 10min out of your day to dedicate it to shutting off and being present with your emotions.

My favourite thing about the headspace app is it provides mindful activities for the day in intervals from morning, afternoon and night. You can also pick from a couple of teachers who will narrate throughout the exercise if you opt for longer sessions over time. This can be selected at the bottom of the app for what ever mood you’re in.

This app does have a free trial period and then you have the option to pay monthly or annually.

Image: screenshot captured from my phone 

The next source I truly enjoyed is the Netflix show Headspace Guide to meditation, which is by the same company funnily enough.

Each episode revolves around a certain topic to better your mindset and view the world through a new perspective. It also explains what mediation is and how to best situate it within your life.

You do not have to go in order of the episodes but rather what you feel needs to be focused on.

They are relatively short episodes between 20 to 30min but will leave you feeling refreshed and gaining a new insight on life.

Being an introvert I often keep things to myself to avoid bothering anyone.

I found this series helpful in assisting me to navigate through certain feelings I may have and how to better deal with them. Some days are easier than others.

But don’t get me wrong once I am comfortable around a person I can be quite talkative. 

I need some buffering time before my personality can shine!

Image link:

Why not focus on your mind in this crazy busy world! A time to recollect your thoughts and think about  the things that matter.

On the other hand, if you don’t have Netflix, you’re able to to access Headspace videos on YouTube for free which is a bonus.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. 

Have you tried the Headspace app? What are your thoughts on meditation?

Lots of love 

Nrutya xx


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